Research Philosophy
Dear Reader,
As a behavioral scientist, I have spent several years cultivating a specific, multidisciplinary approach to the study of all aspects of human functioning. I use a mix of empirically supported cognitive and behavioral psychological theory, practiced research methodology, real-time market trends, and the latest data science and computational statistical methods to deliver results. My goal is to bring university level research and the commercial marketplace together to provide top- and bottom-line solutions.
Decision making can be difficult if you lack fundamental information. My ultimate goal is to provide you with that missing information.
Joe Salvatore
Social psychological science informs my research.
Utilizing social psychological principles in both your methodological and analytical plans means you have the science of how people think, feel, and act helping to dictate your research and findings. Scientifically grounded research in social psychology will provide you and your organization with legitimate, verifiable answers so that you can make the right decisions grounded upon science.
Allowing empirically grounded principles guide every aspect of your research program is an aspect of my personal research orientation.
The latest trends in commerce provide insights into profitable marketing methods.
Consumer behavior is volatile. It's important to develop a plan to monitor, track, and analyze what your customers are doing, how they are behaving, and how you can better serve your audience. There are many ways to achieve this, but I employ a combination of direct research, computer programming, and computational statistics to understand your customer base. Novel methods and measures, advanced analytics, and expert insights are an aspect of my personal research orientation.
Sound research methodology results in measurable improvements.
Nobody is more excited about the introduction of experimental research design into the business world, but when done incorrectly, the results can be disastrous. Employing practiced experimental and quasi-experimental research has been my primary focus in- and outside of academia. This means, when I design a research protocol, you can be certain the results will help you make the right decisions. Routinely employing controlled experimental research is an aspect of my personal research orientation.
Advanced analytics provide you with information you can rely upon.
Over the last decade, statistics (data science) has been brought to the masses. This is good, and this is bad. The former insomuch as we've become more acquainted with practicing analytics, but the latter insomuch there is a ton of bad science being practiced. I spent nearly a decade working with data, understanding the theoretical components of statistical analyses, and developing my own unique style under the supervision of my doctoral advisers. This has allowed me to approach problems with confidence and the resources to solve these problems accurately and efficiently. Possessing the knowledge and know-how of the latest innovations in statistical analyses is an aspect of my personal research orientation.